Sunday, February 1, 2009

Enjoy the Game!

My boys aren't (yet) big football fans -- although being in Packer Country, they all avidly followed the Brett Favre retirement/un-retirement saga with interest. But they all know who's playing in the Big Game today (go Arizona!), and I'm sure they'll sneak a peek while their Dad watches the game.

And who knows? Just like their uncles, my brothers, they might learn to multiply by watching football. My brother, Doc, had his 7 times tables down by 2nd grade, thanks to football!

For an example of some more football math, check here and here.


  1. LOL can't get away from watching football in WI regardless of who's playing. We move here 12yrs ago from CA and my dh was told he HAD to watch the games or he wouldn't be accepted lol.

  2. That's pretty much how it is! Although I will admit...we watched a fair share of Jets games this year. :)
