This past weekend, I had the honor of speaking at the InHome conference in St. Charles, Illinois. I presented 3 sessions: Single Parent Homeschooling, Homeschooling Boys, and Boundless Energy: Understanding (and Respecting) Boys' Need for Movement.
It was an inspiring experience, to say the least! At times over the past year, I have felt like "less-than" a homeschool parent. Three of my kids are in school full-time. The fourth takes classes at school. Because of my need to work, I rarely get together with homeschool families anymore, and no longer attend our local homeschool group.
But you know what? I AM A HOMESCHOOLER! I am a single parent homeschooler who is educating and supporting her sons in a way that makes sense for her family. In other words...the conference helped restore my confidence, and re-doubled my desire to help other homeschoolers, particularly homeschoolers who are educating boys.
So I've started two new projects. One is a Facebook page, Homeschooling Boys. Come join us to discuss the joys and challenges of homeschooling boys. We'll also share helpful tips and tricks. (Today, I posted a video about helping boys learn to write.)
I've also started Tweeting from #HSingBoys. If you're on Twitter, follow me. I'll be tweeting and retweeting info that will help you educate you sons. I'll also be Tweeting my upcoming conference appearances. (Next up: The Wisconsin Parents Association conference in May.)
Come join me! I'd love to hear what you have to say.
Just joined your page. Good luck with your projects, they sound wonderful!